Permeable Pavers are intended to allow for water to penetrate into the ground below. Permeable Pavers are ​not grouted and can migrate from their orignal placement with time. There are several factors to consider for ​your installation. Installation techniques will vary from project to project, depending on your specific ​application.

Permeable Pavers are a fragile product, made of natural clay. Minor variations in size, shade, irregular edges ​and the appearance of fine cracks or chips are inherent to this product and can vary from piece to piece. As ​well as variances in the body flatness, meaning some may require special attention when installing. This is ​common and will be part of your tiles variation. Details that are visible up close, will be appear subtle upon full ​installation. If properly installed, Permeable Pavers will result in a beautiful, durable, easy to maintain surface ​that can be enjoyed for many years.

To ensure that your install lasts a long time, we highly recommend having a professional handle the ​installation. Their expertise and experience will ensure that the tile is installed correctly and will maintain its ​quality over time. More complex installs such as a free-standing breeze block wall may require more ​comprehensive project-specific installation methods. For such installs, we recommend to connect with an ​architect, structural engineer or qualified mason to ensure the integrity of your installation will be ideal for use.


  • Rake
  • Yard Soil or Gravel ( to fill perforations)
  • Leveler
  • String
  • Rubber Mallet
  • Measuring Tape
  • Grass/Flower Seeds
  • Shovel


  • Handle blocks with care
  • Prior to installation, store material in a dry area.
  • Throughout the installation process and handling of the pavers, be careful not to damage the ​finished surface, edges and corners of the pavers.
  • If any pavers have cracks or pops, set them aside and do not install or use them for cuts


  • Inspect your order carefully.
  • You have the responsibility of assessing the suitability of the product before installing it.
  • Clay Imports will not be responsible for material that has been cut or installed.
  • After installation, we cannot accept claims regarding any variations in color and size.
  • If any blocks have imperfections on the sides, they can be installed and will not affect the integrity of the installation.



  • Measure your space
  • Arrange permeable pavers in desired pattern to determine cuts needed and spacing for grout.
  • Prepare your grid. Based on your specific installation, determine how to best design your layout and draw a grid ​on the installation surface.
  • Confirm adequate paver quantity, including extras for cuts and breakage.
  • If you require additional pieces, please make sure to have them before starting the installation process. Please ​note that any additional pieces may differ in color from your original order.
  • Permeable Paver, as a product of clay and natural materials, is subjected to minor color and shade variations.
  • Please be sure to read products usage instructions on all materials used for your installation.
  • For safety purposes, we recommend that you wear safety gear when installing tile. Gloves, safety glasses and ​close toed shoes can prevent injury.
  • Ensure that your pavers tiles are completely dry.
  • Do not wet your blocks prior to sealer application.
  • Preparing your design, foundation, structural supports and materials is the basis for a successful installation. ​Consider your environment and what type of installation method your project requires. The more structural ​support, such as walls, metal landscaping edges, and other blocks, decrease the likelihood of migration over time
  • Ensure that the surface is well-prepared.




After you have measured, confirmed your design layout and chosen your preferred ​permeable paver design and fill for the perforations, begin by clearing and compacting the ​area you will place the permeable pavers. Continuously check your ground is level. We ​recommend to install permeable pavers agains structural elements such as walls, cement or ​landscaping edging to lessen pavers from moving around. We recommend compacting the ​ground to allow for the pavers to be flush with the ground around the install to avoid extra


Once ground is level, you can begin placing your permeable pavers tightly butted against ​each other to limit any movement. Use strings to ensure your rows are aligned


Pro tip: you can selectively opt out of placing pavers to leave larger spaces to plant flowers, ​cactus and avoid in ground lighting or sprinkler heads.


Now that the pavers are placed, you can fill your perforations with your choice of yard soil, ​gravel, grass seeds and flower seeds.


Water your seeds and enjoy your new permeable patio! To maintain your permeable pavers, ​we recommend to add soil or gravel to your perforations periodically to keep the perforations ​filled, empty perforations can be a tripping hazard.